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'' Seaweed organic fertilizer NPK 12.3.3 ''
is a broad spectrum fertilizer that is rich in beneficial trace minerals and hormones that stimulate plant growth.
Seaweed is high in carbohydrates which are essential building blocks in growing plants and low in cellulose, so it breaks down readily.
Seaweed will not cause any diseases to the plants.

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'' Liquid Foliar Leafy Orchids 63 '' ( Instant Spray )
Especially for Orchids.
suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes growing, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

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'' Liquid Foliar Flowering Orchids 67 ''  ( Instant Spray )
Especially for Orchids.
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc. 
​Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

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'' Organic Chicken Waste ''
organic with 3 times the rate of use of chicken manure, 
it does not contain pathogens and safe to use.

"Sisa Ayam Organik"
organik dengan 3 kali ganda kadar penggunaan najis ayam,
ia tidak mengandungi patogen dan selamat digunakan.

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'' Liquid Foliar Flowering 69 ''  ( Instant Spray )
suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

'' Cecair Berbunga Daun 69 ''  ( Semburan Segera )
sesuai untuk tanaman cth.

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~ High Quality Anti-Corrosion Aluminium
~ Light Weight Design
~ Ergonomically Designed Handles
~ Handle Hang Holes for easy storage

Aluminium anti-karat berkualiti tinggi.
Reka bentuk yang ringan.
Pemegang yang direka bentuk secara ergonomik.
Pegang lubang gantung untuk penyimpanan yang mudah.

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“ Water Plant Organic 22 ”
Products made in Japan, which has a balanced level of N, P2O5 and K2O
to meet crop requirements and fish is safe.

“ Water Plant Organik 22 ”
Produk buatan Jepun yang mempunyai tahap seimbang N, P2O5 dan K2O untuk memenuhi keperluan tanaman dan ikan selamat.

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'' Foliar Fertiliser Leafy 63 ''  
concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes growing, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

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~ High Quality Anti-Corrosion Aluminium
~ Light Weight Design
~ Ergonomically Designed Handles
~ Handle Hang Holes for easy storage

Aluminium anti-karat berkualiti tinggi.
Reka bentuk yang ringan.
Pemegang yang direka bentuk secara ergonomik.
Pegang lubang gantung untuk penyimpanan yang mudah.

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“ Roses Food ” 
is a complex high quality fish meal organic fertilizer, specially designed for roses plants and horticultural crops. 
Contain important primary and secondary nutrients and essential micronutrients. 
Improves flowering and reduces dropping of flowers.

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'' Foliar Fertiliser Leafy 67 '' 
Especially for Orchids.
Concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective.
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc. 
Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

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~ High Quality Anti-Corrosion Aluminium
~ Light Weight Design
~ Ergonomically Designed Handles
~ Handle Hang Holes for easy storage

Aluminium anti-karat berkualiti tinggi.
Reka bentuk yang ringan.
Pemegang yang direka bentuk secara ergonomik.
Pegang lubang gantung untuk penyimpanan yang mudah.

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“ Orchids Food ”
is a complex high quality organic fertilizer, specially designed for orchids plant. 
Contain important primary and secondary nutrients and essential micronutrients, to improves flowering.


“Makanan Orkid”
ialah baja organik berkualiti tinggi yang kompleks, direka khas untuk tumbuhan orkid.

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'' Foliar Fertiliser Flowering 69 '' 
concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective,.
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc. 
Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

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~ High Quality Anti-Corrosion Aluminium
~ Light Weight Design
~ Ergonomically Designed Handles
~ Handle Hang Holes for easy storage

Aluminium anti-karat berkualiti tinggi.
Reka bentuk yang ringan.
Pemegang yang direka bentuk secara ergonomik.
Pegang lubang gantung untuk penyimpanan yang mudah.

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“ Seaweed Organic Fertilizer 27 ”
a mixture fertilizer organic with chemical fertilizer, 
it is suitable for all plants for growing, flowering and fruitily.

“Baja Organik Rumpai Laut 27”
baja campuran organik dengan baja kimia,
ia sesuai untuk semua tumbuhan untuk membesar, berbunga dan berbuah.

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'' Liquid Foliar Leafy 21 '' 
concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective.
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc. 
Promotes growing, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

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'' Liquid Foliar Flowering 23 ''
concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective. 
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

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“ Bio-Humic Organic Red 29R ”
is a combination of organic, non-organic and microorganism material, 
by working under the modern laboratory technology. 
Chloride free fertilizer, it is most suitable for nursery plant vegetables, crops, fruit trees and ornamentals.

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'' Hydroponic Fertilizer ''
systems feed plants with liquid fertilizer in growing media that do not contain soil.
Most commercial fertilizer only contain major plant nutrients. :- nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.
Micronutrients and minerals, such as zinc and iron, are not added because they are abundant in most soil types.

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“ Bio-Humic Organic Green 29G ” 
is a combination of organic, non-organic and microorganism material by working under the modern laboratory technology. 
Chloride free fertilizer, it is most suitable for nursery plant vegetables, crops, fruit trees and ornamentals.

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~ High Quality Anti-Corrosion Aluminium
~ Light Weight Design
~ Ergonomically Designed Handles
~ Handle Hang Holes for easy storage

Aluminium anti-karat berkualiti tinggi.
Reka bentuk yang ringan.
Pemegang yang direka bentuk secara ergonomik.
Pegang lubang gantung untuk penyimpanan yang mudah.

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 '' 多功能木醋液有机叶面肥  5 ''  ( 即喷施 )

'' Multi Purpose Wood Vinegar Organic Liquid Foliar 5 ''  ( Instant Spray )
Insect repellent.
Eliminates and cures soil borne diseases, nematode and fungus.
Build up resistance against diseases.

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'' IBA Rootmone ''
plant hormone for rooting of cuttings, 
​hasten the growth of new roots on transplanted trees and seedings.

'' IBA Rootmone ''
hormon tumbuhan untuk pengakaran keratan,
mempercepatkan pertumbuhan akar baru pada pokok dan benih yang dipindahkan.

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