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gardening, agriculture, chemical fertilizer

'' Lawn Master 31 '' 
is a high quality fertilizer suitable for turf, parks and play ground.

'' Master Rumput 31 ''
adalah baja berkualiti tinggi yang sesuai untuk rumput, taman dan taman permainan.


“ Compound Fruiting 43 ”
high quality import from Germany,
100% chemical fertilizer use for plant fruiting.

“ Berbuah Kompaun 43 ”
import berkualiti tinggi dari Jerman, 100% penggunaan baja kimia untuk pembuahan tumbuhan.


“ Compound Leafy 45 ”
high quality import from Germany,
100% chemical fertilizer use for plant growing.

“ Daun Kompaun 45”
import berkualiti tinggi dari Jerman,
100% penggunaan baja kimia untuk penanaman tumbuhan.


“ Compound Flowering 47 ”
high quality import from Germany,
100% chemical fertilizer use for plants flowering.

“ Bunga Majmuk 47 ”
import berkualiti tinggi dari Jerman,
100% penggunaan baja kimia untuk tumbuhan berbunga.


“ UREA 46% N ”
contain the most important plant food-Nitrogen.
It is suitable for all indoor and outdoor plants and lawn.


“ UREA 46% N ”
mengandungi makanan tumbuhan yang paling penting-Nitrogen.
Ia sesuai untuk semua tumbuhan dan rumput dalaman dan luaran.


“ Superbloom Fertilizer Flowering 55 ”
it is the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer,
to promote strong and more flowering.


“ Fertilizer Flowering Special 58 ”
it is the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer,
to promote strong and more flowering.

“ Baja Berbunga Istimewa 58 ”
ia adalah campuran baja kimia import berkualiti tinggi dan baja organik,
untuk menggalakkan berbunga kuat dan lebih banyak.


It is the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer, 
it promotes plants fertile and produce more fruits   'CAMPURAN BERBUAH”
Ia adalah campuran baja kimia import berkualiti tinggi dan baja organik,
ia menggalakkan tumbuhan subur dan menghasilkan lebih banyak buah


It’s the mixture of high quality imported chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer, promote plants strong and healthy.
Ia adalah campuran bahan kimia import berkualiti tinggi
baja dan baja organik, menggalakkan tumbuhan kuat dan sihat.


“ Liquid Foliar Leafy 45 “  ( Instant Spray )
suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes growing, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

“ Daun Cecair Daun 45 “  ( Semburan Segera )
sesuai untuk tanaman cth.


'' Liquid Foliar Leafy Orchids 63 '' ( Instant Spray )
Especially for Orchids.
suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes growing, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.


'' Liquid Foliar Flowering Orchids 67 ''  ( Instant Spray )
Especially for Orchids.
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc. 
​Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.


'' Liquid Foliar Flowering 69 ''  ( Instant Spray )
suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.

'' Cecair Berbunga Daun 69 ''  ( Semburan Segera )
sesuai untuk tanaman cth.


'' Foliar Fertiliser Leafy 63 ''  
concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes growing, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.


'' Foliar Fertiliser Leafy 67 '' 
Especially for Orchids.
Concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective.
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc. 
Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.


'' Foliar Fertiliser Flowering 69 '' 
concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective,.
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc. 
Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.


'' Liquid Foliar Leafy 21 '' 
concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective.
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc. 
Promotes growing, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.


'' Liquid Foliar Flowering 23 ''
concentrated foliar that need to dilute with water and cost effective. 
Suitable for crops eg.: vegetable, estate crops, fruit trees, ornamentals, house plants, nursery plants etc.
Promotes flowering, corrects nutrients deficiency symptoms and productivity.


'' Hydroponic Fertilizer ''
systems feed plants with liquid fertilizer in growing media that do not contain soil.
Most commercial fertilizer only contain major plant nutrients. :- nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.
Micronutrients and minerals, such as zinc and iron, are not added because they are abundant in most soil types.


'' IBA Rootmone ''
plant hormone for rooting of cuttings, 
​hasten the growth of new roots on transplanted trees and seedings.

'' IBA Rootmone ''
hormon tumbuhan untuk pengakaran keratan,
mempercepatkan pertumbuhan akar baru pada pokok dan benih yang dipindahkan.

